3 Wedding Bouquet styles - photographer edition - real, fake, dried
Photo By SMC Studios
Planning for your big day is certainly a long journey, and you are currently up to choosing your wedding bouquet, very exciting! We love the bouquet and flowers in general, the colours, the fine details, the scent and also the meaning of flowers! Some of the flowers that have love connotations are the rose (of course!), dahlias, peonies and Lady’s Mantle [1]. But what to choose, and what is the right style for you? Well to help you decide, or maybe give you more food for thought, we go over the three styles of bouquets from a photographers angle!
The real thing
The choices available for your wedding bouquet can be overwhelming at times, with thought having to be given to not only the flowers in the bouquet itself, but also the shape of the bouquet! But if you decide to go with real flowers in the bouquet, we think this is always a beautiful choice, with the real thing adding a sense of class to any wedding. Thinking about it from a photographer's point of view, real flowers give images a real depth, when that living florage is captured in the right way. And remember, if possible, keep them in water when not in use so they look amazing throughout the day! The only thing we notice is that they can be easily damaged and if the bottom of the stems hasn’t been dried properly, you can get watermarks on your -and your bridesmaids - dress.
Photo By @sofiameli On Unsplash
Dried flowers
But what if your wedding budget can’t quite stretch to real flowers (we also have a great sale on wedding photography and videography to help you save more money!) or you are getting married in a hot part of Australia and fear your flowers will not last the day? Well we think dried flowers are a great choice in this situation, with a wide variety available. This style of flowers works even better for certain wedding styles from a photographer stand point. We are thinking of a beach wedding, with the dried flowers bring to mind drift wood on the beach, and those beautiful connotations associated with that (like a driftwood fire on the beach with good friends, maybe you can do that after your wedding?). And an added bonus of dried flowers is these last for a long time after your wedding day (without having to go to the trouble of drying them yourselves)!
Photo By @blairneedsanap On Unsplash
Artificial flowers
We know your wedding day can pass in a flash, and therefore it is important to cherish those things that can last long after the day. One of those things would be a bridal bouquet made of artificial flowers! Often made of silk, these can look strikingly life-like, and will last a lifetime! From our photography experience, we find that by utilising the right angles and lighting, it is really not possible to tell that they are not the real thing. And with the option to custom make the artificial flowers, if you are looking for a bit of a unique style or colour, these are definitely your go to!
Photo By @thomasae On Unplash
Well hope that gives you a bit more clarity on the flower style you may like to have at your wedding, and if you are still looking for a wedding photographer or videographer (or both!), we would be honoured to capture your day and would love to hear from you.
See you on your big day!